Monday 29 October 2012


Heya all

So to start my blog off i am adding my in the foreground project. 

Based in Greenhithe we had to take five photographs of items in the same colour range, mine being brown. We also had to collect at least five objects with different characteristics. We then had to come up with a narrative that connected the photographs with the objects.

I went to Greenhithe not knowing what i really wanted my project to be based around. I sat in various different places and picked up various items that interested me on the site. In the end i decided i would base my narrative on feelings and vibes i got on site. I love water and the sea and based my narrative around this and the fact that along the site there is evidence of what was there before. 

So my narrative.............. can you guess

Mother nature is angry at us for what we have done to her shores so she sends huge waves to bring down what we have built and put back to what she perceives as being right. The wire resembling the waves.

I think with this project my photographs could have been more focused on certain aspects. I also think i could have improved the layout of my photographs better on the pin up. i am happy with my layout of my objects but would have been happier if i could have found my nylon when i needed it so that the string wasn't as visible for the objects that were suspended.

I think my actual spoken part of my presentation was clear and easy to follow... well i hope only my tutor and classmates could say for sure but they appeared to follow........